Beach Cottage Living-- February 2021's Featured Maker

Beach Cottage Living-- February 2021's Featured Maker

We decided to bring back the Featured Maker of the Month after taking a few months off. This month we are featuring Erika from Beach Cottage Living. She is local to us and lives on Cape Cod. We've had the pleasure of meeting her in person and interviewing her live on Instagram and she's such an enjoyable woman. (Follow us on Instagram @saltandbranch to check out our IG Live interview) We currently sell her gather wine bag, be thankful wine bag and let's stay home pillow. We are hoping to add more items to our collection very soon. Enjoy our Q & A with Erika!

Featured Maker Q &A

Tell us about what you do.                                                                           

I would call myself a creative entrepreneur. I do so many things but pillows are what I do most. I sell wholesale in nearly 22 retail partners around New England, sell direct online and Pop Up occasionally.

How long have you been making your products and how did you get started?                                                                                                       

I started about 25 years ago when my first son was born.  I made and sold rag rugs.  I have always been a maker, and looked to make some extra money when at home with my new born son. I picked up two retail store to sell in and tried my first show in Duxbury, Ma in 2000. I did furniture, home goods, art, and just about anything crafty that I thought I could sell. I literally sold everything in two days!! In 2001 I opened my first retail location in Chatham called, Beach Cottage Designs. I quickly grew out of that and took a larger space on Main Street in Chatham. Then opened a second location, smaller also in Chatham.

What is your favorite part of the creative process? Least favorite?             

I love creating, it’s the best part. I don’t really have a least favorite part. I like the whole process.

From where do you draw your inspiration to create your products?

Inspiration comes from everywhere. Travel, food, fashion, other creatives, the outdoors, o just keep my eyes open.

What values does your business embody?                                                   

I run my business like I live my life. Honest, supportive, and want people to enjoy what I make in their home as much as I love making it.

Is your business a full time or part time venture? Do you have plans to grow/expand?                                                                                           

My business is my full time job. I am always growing, and changing. I like to take in new challenges. Along with Beach Cottage Living, I started, At The Cottage. A 11’x14’ space that I’ve completely renovated into a cottage. The coat the will be a pop up space, showroom, place to meet, learn, collaborate and offer a space to other entrepreneurs to Pop Up and sell their goods.

There are many challenging that come along with running a small business. What is your biggest challenge and what is your biggest reward or success?                                                                                                 

Challenges are time. Period. Never enough hours to do everything I want to try. I really can’t put a finger on my biggest success. I’ve changed over the years as my life has. My small children are grown now, and I have much more resources/income to do what I want when I want. So everything I have done, has a place and contribution to where I am today.

How do you spend your time when you aren’t creating?                           

When I’m not creating, I’m with family. My two sons are #1 priority and spending time with them or traveling, with my husband is the fuel that keeps me going.

Salt and Branch sells only a few of your products. Where can people go to find more of your products?                                                                   

Best way to find me and what I sell is to follow me in Instagram. It literally chronicles my everyday journey to see what I am making and how to get it. @Beachcottagelivingcc

Is there anything else you’d like to add?                                           

Thank you for wanting to learn more about me and what I do. When you find something you love, take that leap of faith and go for it.

Thank you, Erika! Go check out all of the beautiful items she makes as well as her progress on At the Cottage @at_the_cottage_capecod (IG).



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